Wu Li's arrival in Nanjiang

Gong mo blushed and pinched Sheng nanxuan's arm gently.

He grabbed her hand and told everyone,""Then we'll be leaving first."

Hu Zi! Gong mo shouted.

"What?" Hu Zi sat on Yu Xinran's knees and raised his head to look at her.

"Mommy's leaving ~"

"I'll pick you up tomorrow." Sheng nanxuan was afraid that he would catch up with them. He said hurriedly, " you should stay with great-grandpa and great-grandma. I'll give you meat tomorrow.

"Alright!" Hu Zi agreed loudly.

Gong mo was speechless. How could this kid be bribed with a piece of meat?

Wu surong saw them leave and said to Yu Xinran, " "Give me the child. You and Lu Yang are going on a date too. This is the first Valentine's Day you two are together!"

Yu Xinran smiled awkwardly and looked at Lu Yang.

"Then we'll go out," Lu Yang said with a smile.

"I'm going back to my room to change my clothes." Yu Xinran got up and Lu Yang immediately followed.