Third uncle as a lobbyist

Oh, Yingluo. Hu Zi looked at Tian Cheng. Auntie, don't be afraid. We're here.

Tears welled up in Tian Cheng's eyes and she said, touched, " "Alright, thank you, Hu."

Gong mo saw that the police were waiting at the side. It was obvious that they hadn't finished recording their statements."You guys continue."

The police officer nodded and continued to ask Tian Cheng questions.

Gong mo was sitting at the side with Hu Zi in his arms. His back broke out in cold sweat when he heard her describe the scene.

This Wu Li! Damn it!

And Gong Jie, he deserved to die!

Gong Gong was also in the hospital at the moment. After the police had recorded Tian Cheng's statement, they went to find her.

Gong Gong wanted to push all the blame onto Tian Cheng, but the police said, " we found a DV camcorder in your room, and it recorded everything that happened to Tian Cheng. If you lie again, we'll Sue you for obstruction of justice and falsifying evidence!