Hu Zi in kindergarten

Hu Zi raised his head and looked at her pitifully. I miss mommy, Yingluo. he wanted to play with his friends, but he wanted to be with his mommy more.

Gong mo hugged him and said,"mom missed you too." But you're all grown up now, you have to study!"

Sheng nanxuan reached out and patted his head. You'll have to go even if you don't listen."

Hu Zi hugged Gong mo tightly and began to cry.

Daddy is so bad! His mother had advised him with nice words, but his father had threatened him!

The next morning, after Hu Zi had his breakfast, Gong mo checked his attire excitedly.

Sheng nanxuan stood at the side, carrying the small bag that Wu surong had given him.

Gong mo adjusted Hu Zi's hat and said with a smile, " "So handsome! Don't move, baby, mommy will take a photo for you!"

Hu Zi smacked his lips,"mommy's so bored, patting Yingying every day."