You still know how to show tenderness to women?

"Why?" Hu Zi was dissatisfied.

"Because all the other kids are going." Gong mo smiled and pinched the tip of his nose.

He pouted and sat down on the bed, saying gloomily, " "I'm Yingluo, I'm not like other kids."

Gong mo,"hehe."

Sheng nanxuan came in from outside and put his hands on the door frame. "If you're not going, then don't sleep with mommy tonight."

Hu Zi was silent for a few seconds, then stood up immediately."I want to go!"

"It's good that you're going. I love you." Gong mo held his forehead helplessly.

"What if you don't go? Does mommy still love you?" Hu Zi looked at her worriedly.

She was speechless.

Hu Zi felt like he had gotten the answer and hurriedly said, " "I'll go! Mother loves me! You love me every day!"

good, good, good, good, Zhenzhen! Gong mo agreed repeatedly and couldn't help but laugh. Her precious son was getting more and more adorable.