Ten years later

It was already the new year, but there was still snow in the capital from time to time. It was beautiful, but it was freezing.

The alarm clock rang and Gong mo turned it off. Just as she was about to get out of bed, Sheng nanxuan hugged her and kissed her face and neck with his eyes closed.

Gong mo pushed him away and said,"stop it!" Yiting's school is starting today, so we're going to send him to school!"

it's still early, Yingluo. Sheng nanxuan turned over and pressed her down, his hands constantly teasing her.

After a while, everything was ready except for the equipment. Sheng nanxuan opened the drawer at the head of the bed.

Eh? Why was there nothing?

no! Gong mo pushed him away shyly and angrily. if not, then get up!

but I'm already like this, Yingluo. he looked at her innocently.