You're not as handsome as your dad!

"As the shortest person in the family, I feel a little inferior," Sheng Yiting said. Dad, you have to pay attention to her psychological state!"

Sheng nanxuan raised his fist and was about to teach him a lesson when Gong mo stopped him. "Enough, you! Don't you find it childish to argue with your son every day? Hurry up and eat, what if you're late?"

Sheng Yiting's eyes widened and he looked at Gong mo in dissatisfaction. Was she saying that he was childish?

Sheng nanxuan sat down and asked him,"is there a parent-teacher meeting today?"  

Sheng Yiting nodded and stuffed his mouth with food.

"Are you going or should I go?" Sheng nanxuan asked Gong mo.

"I'll go, you're so busy." Gong mo said considerately.

alright, I'll send you to school. Come find me at the company after the meeting.

Gong mo nodded his head.

Sheng Yiting raised his eyebrows and glanced at them. His expression was exactly the same as Sheng nanxuan.