Could it be that mom and dad want a divorce?

When Sheng Yiting returned home from school, the coffee table was filled with snacks.

He looked around in confusion, but there was no one.

"What good thing happened?"

He threw his bag on the sofa happily and took out a bag of chips from his snacks. He turned on the TV with the remote control as he ate.

He felt his mouth go dry after eating half of the chips. Seeing that there was still a can of soda on the coffee table, he immediately opened it and drank.

Usually, his mother wouldn't let him eat these, so he would eat more when she didn't see him. She couldn't ask him to spit it out when she saw it!

At that thought, Sheng Yiting gulped down half a bottle of soda again.

Yiting! Gong Mo's gentle voice was heard.

pfft-" Sheng Yiting spat out a mouthful of soda. The carbon dioxide got into his windpipe, causing him to cough violently.

son, are you alright?! Gong mo was shocked and immediately sat down beside him to massage his back.