You're an advanced maternal age now

"Don't bother!" Sheng nanxuan snatched the doll back and put it on the shelf. Then, he left with her.

The bodyguards behind the two of them quickly pushed the shopping cart and followed silently.

Soon, Gong mo found something that he was interested in.

It was the start of school, and the supermarket had a lot of stationery.

Gong mo saw some of the fountain pen copybooks and said to Sheng nanxuan, " "Yiting said that he's bored, so he might as well let him practice writing."

"We're all using computers now, so who's still practicing their writing?"

"It's because of this that people who practice it are particularly valuable!" Gong mo took over a dozen copybooks in one go. Didn't I tell you that your handwriting was very attractive? "

Sheng nanxuan rested his chin on her shoulder. "Could it be that you were initially attracted by my writing?"