You're not allowed to fall in love at such a young age, understand?

So, under Sheng Yiting's supervision and guidance, and with his own hard work, he finally got in with an above-average score.

When Gong mo learned of the results, he immediately video-called dan Rong to report the good news.

Shan Rong said excitedly,"I knew that the teaching quality in our country is better!" Yiting, you're really good, you've even carved rotten wood into it, you've really turned the rotten into the magical!"

"Mommy, who are you calling rotten wood?" Simon shouted. Who was decaying? I'm your son, how can you boost the morale of others while diminishing your own prestige?"

"Aiya, you even know how to 'boost other people's morale and diminish your own prestige'. Son, you've improved at a godly speed! You have to listen to your sister and brother-in-law and learn from Yiting. You're Yiting's uncle. You should be his role model, you know? How can you always let him be your role model? That's why you have to work hard, understand?"