Who would still dare to chase you?

In the afternoon, Sheng Yiting treated Tong Siyao's roommates to lunch.

Yesterday, Tong Siyao had forgotten to tell him about this. In the morning, when the two of them were eating in the cafeteria, they met one of her roommates. It was her roommate's first time seeing her boyfriend, so she curiously chatted with him and jokingly asked when she would treat him.

Sheng Yiting had eaten this kind of food a few times when he was in University. Every time his roommate got a girlfriend, he would invite his girlfriend's friends or roommates for a meal. His roommates would naturally call their friends to join. One of them was a Playboy and had invited him three times in a semester.

He understood this custom, so when Tong Siyao's roommate mentioned it, he immediately agreed.

Tong Siyao heaved a sigh of relief. She was afraid that he wouldn't agree.

"Let's do it today or tomorrow," he said.