Hit in the waist by a stray bullet

After Simon and Lu Yang arrived in Emilya, they donated some money to the current government office. The government office arranged for the police to escort them to avoid any trouble on the way.

Lu Suan brought two ice coffins and dragged them to the hospital. He took out Lu Yang and Helen's bodies and went to the refugee camp to pack up their belongings.

Simon took this opportunity to find Xin Rong. Xin Rong was currently accompanying the children in class. When he saw Simon, he hurriedly put down his pen and ran out."When did you arrive?"

"Just now. Lu duo is packing her parents 'things over there. They'll be going back to the hotel later." when can you go back? " Simon asked.

we'll go to Africa tomorrow. We'll stay there for a week.

"Then you might not be able to make it for the funeral," Simon said.

"I should have gone," Xin Rong sighed. However, if we can't make it in time, then there's nothing we can do."