Isn't she Sheng Yiting's ex-girlfriend?

Simon followed the doctor to the nearby hospital. He walked into the ward and saw Tong Siyao lying on the bed.

She looked familiar at first glance, but when he took a closer look, he realized that she was Sheng Yiting's ex-girlfriend! Although he had only seen her once, it was impossible for him to be mistaken!

This man had the audacity to dump Sheng Yiting, and Sheng Yiting still couldn't forget him. He was a real man!

Simon took a deep breath and called someone to check on Tong Siyao.

If it was someone he didn't know, he naturally didn't need to care about her sadness. However, this was his nephew's woman, so he had to be more thoughtful.

Tong Siyao was still unconscious and he didn't know when she would wake up.

Simon hoped that she would stay unconscious for a longer time. If he didn't wake up when he was in China, he should at least wake up when he was on the plane, right? Otherwise, what if she refused to go up when she saw him?