Because Yiting likes you

then ... Tong Siyao said in-low voice, " if he goes to your house to look for you and wants to see the child, don't say yes! If he goes, or if someone goes in his name, you must tell me. "

"I know," Yao LAN said.

"Niannian, he ..."

Tong Siyao wanted to talk to her child, but she suddenly heard a knock on the door. She thought that the nurse had returned, but when she looked up, she saw Gong mo.

She was shocked and quickly said to Yao LAN,"I have something to do, I'll call you later!"

"Is Yiting beside you?" Yao LAN asked helplessly.

"No, I'm hanging up!" Tong Siyao hung up the phone and looked at Gong mo nervously. Hello, Auntie Yingluo.

She wanted to sit up, but Gong mo stopped her. "You're injured, don't move."

Tong Siyao could only continue to lean on Him and asked nervously, " "Auntie, why are you here?"