Are you misunderstanding something?

"Who knows, your value might suddenly skyrocket!" by the way, there's something I need to ask you. This has nothing to do with Yiting. It's about your career. Are you an octopus? " Gong mo asked.

Tong Siyao wasn't surprised that she knew.

She had just been watching the news on her mobile phone. There were already reports of October's injury in Emilia, both domestically and abroad. It was also said that October was Chinese.

Perhaps Gong mo was the one who had created this news report.

Tong Siyao nodded and admitted, " "It's me."

then your net worth is higher than Yiting's now! there are many people in the world who know about you. However, how many people know about him? " Gong mo asked.

"He'll soon be known to the world, right?" Tong Siyao asked, " but everyone knows about my ran ran. It's October, not Tong Siyao.

"Is there a difference?" that's right, everyone still doesn't know that you're October. Do you want to announce it to the public? "