Will daddy come?

While Tong Siyao was recuperating, many media outlets from home and abroad wanted to hire her, but she rejected them all.

She was more willing to be an independent reporter, so that she wouldn't be restricted.

After she recovered, it was Tong annian's birthday. She and Sheng Yiting went back to Xiyuan and brought many gifts with them.

Last time, it was a meeting gift, and everyone who knew of Tong annian's existence had prepared it. It was their birthday this time, so they naturally prepared a portion for each of them.

When she got off the plane at Xizha, Tong Siyao immediately called Yao LAN.

Yao LAN had already prepared a few dishes. After receiving the call, she went to clean up Tong annian."Mommy will be back soon. You have to change into something cute, okay?"

Tong annian nodded.

Although he didn't like it, his mother liked it. He wanted to make his mother happy.

After changing his clothes, he asked awkwardly, " "Will daddy come?"