He held his breath

Tian Yuan craned her neck and looked around. It was quiet all around, so Lin weiqin had probably gone to work.

She heaved a sigh of relief and walked into the bathroom to wash up. Then, she went back to her room to pack her luggage and pushed it out.

She took the note and planned to leave a message for him.

She walked into the living room and smelled the aroma of food. She was shocked and looked up to see him sitting at the dining table.

He was reading the newspaper when he heard her movement and looked up. "You're up?"

mm, ran ran. Tian Qi looked at him in a daze. He didn't go out? Why aren't you making a sound?

"Come over and eat." Lin weiqin stood up.

Tian Yuan pushed her luggage over and placed it by the wall. She asked awkwardly, " "When did you wake up? Why didn't you wake me up?"

"I know that you girls like to sleep in, so I didn't disturb you." He chuckled. how is it? Are you feeling better after a good night's sleep?"