I've liked Yuanyuan for many years

She stopped in her tracks and looked at them in horror.

"Where did you go last night?" the two asked worriedly.

"Didn't you say that Wei Qin sent you back?" "Where is he?" CEng Shuai asked.

Tian Qi immediately understood, so she arranged for someone to stand guard below. She didn't know what to do. She pushed them away in a hurry, turned around, and ran into the elevator.

I can't let them know!

She only knew one thing. She must never let them know what had happened to her.

She entered the elevator and was about to close the door when Zeng Shuai rushed in, grabbed her shoulder, and said, " "It's mom and dad's fault. Yuanyuan, don't be angry. Let's go home first, okay?"

Tian Yuan lowered her head, covered her ears, and screamed.

Yuanyuan ... Tian Cheng also rushed over and pulled her out of the elevator with Zeng Shuai.

Her breathing was rapid, and she was completely at a loss. The next second, she fainted.