The mastermind behind the scenes is yang danqi

The men looked at each other, unable to make up their minds.

That's ten times the amount, Yingluo.

At this moment, hurried footsteps came from outside.

They were startled. Then, the door was kicked open. Sheng shuangxue rushed in."Who the f * ck dares to touch my cousin!"

"Tian Yuan!" Tian Yuan's three roommates also rushed in.

After Tian Qi entered the KTV, they were guarded at the door. They couldn't run away, nor could they call the police. Fortunately, Sheng shuangxue arrived at that time. After explaining the situation, the three of them ran in with Sheng shuangxue.

When the man in the room saw the four women, he spat on the ground. "Motherf * cker! Just in time! If you don't want to leave, then we'll play together!"

Tian Yuan chuckled. Sheng shuangxue sneered with her hands on her waist. Tian Yuan's roommate also laughed.

what are you guys laughing at?! The taxi driver was furious.