Country Y's alumni

Lin weiqin instantly replied,"yes!"

[ what did you eat? ]

[ I suddenly remembered that I forgot to be your succubus. ]

[ what are you eating? ] Tian Yuan asked.

This time, Lin weiqin didn't reply within seconds and only replied half a minute later, " [ pork ribs noodles. ]

[ I'm sorry. ]

Tian Yuan put away her phone and shouted to the kitchen, " "Dad! I want to eat Xue Mei Niang!"

"Alright! I'll make it for you immediately!" Zeng Shuai asked loudly, " what about you, my wife? "

"Grandma Jiang." Tian Cheng replied, then whispered to Tian Yuan, " next time something breaks, you can call the property management. It's fast and effortless. Why make yourself cry? " If you're afraid that it's not safe, you can call your dad."

Tian Qi was stunned and held her forehead as she said,"I forgot about ran ran."

However, he had already troubled Lin weiqin, so he had to return the favor.