Luckily she was smart

After a while, Tian Yuan and Lin weiqin came out with a bowl of congee with pork and century egg.

Zeng Shuai coughed. He finally didn't find Lin weiqin as unpleasant to the eye as before.

Tian Yuan was also persuaded by Lin weiqin. Lin weiqin told her not to go against Zeng Shuai, but Zeng Shuai also couldn't bear to leave her.

She thought,"then I'll give you another chance!" If you don't appreciate it, I'll make congee with pork and century egg all over your face!

She opened her mouth and smiled sweetly at Zeng Shuai. dad, the congee with pork and century egg is ready. I made it with weiqin. Try it.

Seeing her smile at him like a flower, CEng Shuai felt much better.

It seems that my daughter still has me as her father in her heart!

He took the porridge and glanced at Lin weiqin. He still felt that it was an eyesore. However, when she thought about how her daughter's lifelong happiness might be tied to him, she felt that it was better to treat him better.