Chapter 1788- 

After two hits, everyone's attention was attracted.

The Taekwondo teacher saw that the two of them were fighting well and began to explain to the students.

In fact, the teacher was not as good as Gu Yunhao. However, Gu Yunhao was a police officer. According to the rules, he could not and did not have the time to be a teacher and do part-time work.

After exchanging a few moves, Gu Yunhao looked at Sheng shuangxue, his eyes full of admiration."Not bad!"

"Don't be so smug!" Sheng shuangxue sneered.

Her technique was indeed not as good as his and she was at a disadvantage, but that did not mean that she had no chance of winning!

Sheng shuangxue rushed towards him, but Gu Yunhao dodged. After a few more moves, Gu Yunhao suddenly kicked with both legs. Sheng shuangxue couldn't Dodge in time and fell to the ground.

However, Gu Yunhao's action was too perfect. Everyone around him cheered in unison.