Mommy doesn't like necklaces, she likes you

"It's mom's business to forgive you. It has nothing to do with me!" Phoenix turned her head away.

"Then what do I have to do to meet her?"

Phoenix was silent for a long time before she replied,"I don't know either." When I think it's okay, then it's okay."

She pushed him away and went upstairs.

Gong Bai took a deep breath and took a step forward, stepping on something on the ground.

He squatted down and picked up the item.

Phoenix had bought a lot of vegetables and snacks. He took them all out and found a can of his favorite food.

He held the can and thought,"she didn't just take it casually, did she?" Is there a possibility that

No, no!

It was very likely that he had just casually picked it up.

He loved to eat, and she used to remember to buy it for him. Perhaps that kind of awareness had been engraved in his bones, and he couldn't help but take it when he saw it on the shelf.