Do not breathe

There were only the two of them in the enclosed space. The only entertainment saved their nerves from collapsing and helped them resist the despair and fear.

During this time, Sheng Ling had been very quiet.

Even though he would occasionally feel the urge to go berserk, Yu qinghuan was always by his side. As soon as those thoughts arose, they would be suppressed. It was to the extent that he didn't seem to be acting abnormally on the surface.

However, his behavior was too abnormal in the eyes of Liu Xuelan and the rest!

The effects of the medicine in his body must not have worn off. Even if the first injection had worn off, they found out that he had given himself an injection. Later, they gave him a new injection. Logically, he should not be so calm. Based on his previous reactions, he would be crazy for another three to five months.

Could it be a problem with the new drug? It neutralized the original medicinal properties?