Are you two dating?

"Are you saying that I'm not gentle enough?"

"It's definitely your fault that you could fall out after sleeping with him!"

"Alright, then. I'll treat you to a drink when I get married."

Sheng Ling Hung up the phone and recalled everything that had just happened. Then, she said, " Was it really his fault? But she's clearly going overboard, Yingluo.

He felt very wronged.


When Yu qinghuan returned home, Yu Zhengming and Wu surong were watching TV downstairs.

Her return naturally attracted the attention of the two. "Why are you back so late?" the two of them stopped her from going upstairs.

"Are you late?" Yu qinghuan looked at her watch.

Eh? It was actually ten O 'clock.

It was an era without the internet, and ordinary people rarely became night owls. It was indeed late!

"I'm an adult," she said,"don't tell me you're going to interfere with this?"

"We're just worried about you." Wu surong said, " come here. Don't just stand there.