I really like you

Yu qinghuan turned around and tiredly walked upstairs.

Wu surong looked at her back and frowned. She felt that something was wrong.

She turned back and looked at Yu Zhengming,"I still think it's not possible." They've gotten together so easily. Look, they're even meeting each other alone!"

Yu Zhengming nodded. there are a lot of banquets recently. Introduce her to a few young talents. There should be someone she likes, right? "


Yu qinghuan returned to her room and received a call from shengling.

"Have we arrived?" Sheng Ling asked.

"Yes, I am. I told them that you'll come tomorrow to discuss the progress of the investigation, so don't miss out on anything."

Sheng lingren was silent for a moment. She was unhappy that she was hiding it from her, but she still said, " "Alright," he said.

"I'm hanging up then. I'm so sleepy, I'll sleep first."

"Uh, Yingluo, alright then."

"Is there anything else?"