All yours

The next morning, when Sheng Ling saw Wu surong at the dining table, she finally understood what had happened to Yu qinghuan last night!

He gritted his teeth and gnawed on the bread, thinking hatefully in his heart, " What's the point of having such a mother-in-law? It was better to kill him directly! It's just adding to the chaos!

Yu qinghuan walked into the dining room, and Wu surong asked, " "Why are you up so early? Aren't you going to sleep a little longer?"

"I'm afraid there won't be anything to eat later." Yu qinghuan said on purpose.

"Then let's eat first." Wu surong couldn't help but laugh.

Yu qinghuan sat down beside Sheng lingren. Sheng lingren glanced at her, still angry.

"Ling Ren still has to go to work later?" Wu surong asked.

"Yes, I have two meetings today." Sheng lingren's voice was a little hard.

Yu qinghuan kicked him under the table, and Sheng nanxuan looked at him in confusion.