Chapter 2: Toppling The Scumbag

Just when his lips were about to meet hers, Ling Fei rapidly held her breath, one hand covering her mouth, and the other forcefully pushing him.


Noticing the rapidly appearing white mist in front of him, Zhou Shao Hong widened his eyes instinctively sensing something was wrong. By the time he tried to jump back, it was too late, his body went soft and he collapsed to the ground.

An ecstatic Ling Fei mustered all her strength to push him away. With a thud, Zhou Shao Hong's body fell onto the ground. Ling Fei didn't even glance at him as she rushed into the bathroom, covering her mouth.

She didn't dare remove her hand until the door was shut, upon which she took a deep breath.

Seeing the thumb-sized spray bottle in her hand, she felt extremely fortunate.

She was thankful for prudently carrying the strong drug with her, else she would have undoubtedly encountered a disaster today.

Her body was increasingly hot, empty, and uncomfortable... Thinking of the Happy Pill mentioned by Zhou Shao Hong, Ling Fei turned on the tap, dousing her face with cold water.

After washing her face with cold water, her muddled mind cleared up a bit. She realized if Zhou Shao Hong dared to scheme against her, to drug her, there must be more to his plan. She couldn't stay here for long.

She quickly grabbed a towel from the hotel, soaked it and covered her mouth and nose before daring to exit the bathroom.

Zhou Shao Hong lay motionless on the floor.

As Ling Fei stood in front of him, her gaze shifting between him and the vase on the bedside table, she was tempted to give him a good whack.

But after a moment, rationality overcame impulse.

She would have plenty of opportunities to deal with Zhou Shao Hong in the future. She couldn't act impulsively now and put herself in jeopardy.

Grabbing a beer bottle from the refrigerator, Ling Fei stealthily opened the door, peering into the shadows. Xiao Tian was nowhere to be seen outside. She quickly slipped out, shutting the door tightly behind her before sprinting to the elevator.

Reaching the first floor without any complications, Ling Fei, now somewhat weak, relied against the side of the elevator and let out a breath of relief.

Just as she was about to step out of the elevator, two men quickly approached the elevator entrance, discussing something with serious expressions.

"About twenty years old, long hair, uncoloured, white dress... Do you have a photo? Send one over..."

The photo was quickly sent over, and as the two men walked into the elevator, they saw Ling Fei, about to step out, head bowed.

Her smooth black hair hung softly down her back, and her white, exquisite evening dress was notably eye-catching.

"Miss Ling..."

Ling Fei's body stiffened, then quickening her pace, she tried to stride out of the elevator without turning back.

Zhou Shao Hong… and her beloved stepmother, had gathered so many people against her!

The lobby was just outside the elevator. If she could successfully escape the elevator now, she could consider her mission accomplished. She didn't believe they would dare to lay a finger on her out in the open.

"Stop right there!"

The two men from inside the elevator rushed out at a rapid pace, quickly apprehending Ling Fei and pulling her back in.

Ling Fei immediately hurled the beer bottle in her hand at them. Damn, her aim was off, she missed them.

"You insolent brat, you're asking for it!"

The two men looked furious, their disdainful gaze watching her. One of them closed the elevator door and it swiftly started to ascend.

Without paying much heed to the floor they pressed, Ling Fei blinked her eyes, raising both her hands: "I'm sorry, my hand slipped."

Barely a second after her words were out, a cloud of white mist sprayed out.

Ling Fei had long held her breath.

Having witnessed the power of this drug earlier, she waited for these two brutes to eventually collapse.

"What the heck is..."


Before one of the men in black could finish his sentence, he tumbled down. The other one, however, didn't faint. Under her shocked gaze, he quickly acted, ruthlessly landing a chop behind her neck.

It was over.

With a blackout in her vision, Ling Fei collapsed.