Chapter 3: Arriving at a Strange Place

A Maybach tore in from afar.

It came at an extreme speed, stopping aggressively right at the entrance of Bishui Haoting Hotel with a screech.

As the Maybach appeared, all the hotel staff jolted, opening their most brilliant smiles, hustling to welcome at the entrance.

The car door opened, revealing a tall, young man. With handsome features and deep-set eyes, his presence alone was commanding and noble. Just standing still, he already exuded an intense pressure.

"Mr. Song!"

The hotel manager greeted him with genuine fear and respect, and the best valet parked his car with the given keys.

Song Tianmo merely glanced at the crowd, gave a nod, and quickly walked towards the hotel interior.

The hotel manager followed a step behind, eagerly accompanying him.

Song Tianmo didn't have much luggage. His assistant handled everything alone. Assistant Li hauled the luggage through the crowd and was unsurprised to see disappointment hidden in everyone's eyes.

The elevator went straight to the presidential suite on the top floor.

Assistant Li carried the luggage into the living room.

Bishui Haoting is one of Song's many properties. The top floor was reserved for a special presidential suite, solely for CEO Song Tianmo's use when he came.

Song Tianmo lazily sat on the couch and closed his eyes.

Knowing that he didn't want to be disturbed now, Assistant Li, after putting down the luggage, quietly retreated with the hotel manager.

After sitting for a moment, Song Tianmo got up.

Opening the door to his bedroom, he immediately noticed something off.

On his exclusive bed, there was what looked like a stranger - a woman - completely still. Or rather, a girl - she looked no older than twenty.

White skin, rosy lips, black hair slightly messy around the pillow – her face was flawless, with a natural and alluring blush accentuating her tempting skin. Her slender body hinted at perfect curves beneath the small white dress, painting an enchanting silhouette.

Undeniably, she was a beauty with stunning looks despite her young age. Without any makeup, another couple of years with some extra grooming, and she would be even more irresistible.

Remembering the call from the old man in the car earlier, Song Tianmo's dark eyes became sharp and gloomy.

Walking to the bed, he leaned down and reached out, unceremoniously grabbing the girl's chin with considerable force.


Ling Fei felt as though her jaw was clamped by tiger jaws - unbearable pain that brought her jarringly back from blackness into consciousness.

Opening her eyes, she saw a strange young man.

He stood above her, looking down on her, his expression icy, the handsome air of a man exuding arrogance, like a king reigning supreme.


Such a strong aura this man had!

Under his dark, cold gaze, Ling Fei felt like she was being stared down by a cheetah preparing to hunt.

But at least the first thing she sees after waking up was not the jerk, Zhou Shao Hong!

At a glance, she saw her clothes were still intact.

As she woke up, an unbearable burning sensation surged in her body, even her breath was filled with hot air.

Her chin hurt, but the pain helped keep her alert.

Narrowing her eyes, the contempt in the man's eyes strangely reassured her.

A smile spread on Ling Fei's tender lips, she wished to understand the current situation, if she wasn't mistaken, she's lying on a bed.