Chapter 17: Is there an older one that can be sent off directly?

What is he doing?

Wen Xian muttered, "This guy, really, making all these car arrangements so clear, does he want me to have a smooth journey or what?"

Though she said that with a bit of grumbling, the corners of her lips couldn't help but tilt up slightly.


These past few days, Lu Xiao had been even more rarely seen than usual, leaving early and returning late, making it hard for Wen Xian to even catch a glimpse of him.

However, during these days of recovery, she had gotten quite familiar with the cafeteria auntie, the delivery office's Uncle Li, and most of the young men managing the team; it was lively and fun becoming one with them.

She even got to know that little wolf cub that had just been born not long ago.

When delivery office's Uncle Li found out she was the big TV star, oh boy!

The sly fox was totally flabbergasted.

After the shock, astonishment, and disbelief, he began excitedly talking to her about her scenes in the palace drama, vividly gesturing and dancing around with enthusiasm, spraying saliva everywhere.

In the end, he even had the team's young men take a photo of him with Wen Xian, and he couldn't stop giggling as he held his phone.

In the morning, Wen Xian would do the eighth set of elementary school radio calisthenics "Eagle's Flight" with Uncle Li, take an exquisite nap after lunch, and learn to make Tibetan butter tea with Auntie in the afternoon.

Watching the sunrise and the sunset, the clouds rolling and spreading, the days became long, peaceful, and comfortable.

This was something the fast-paced big city could never offer her.

In the blink of an eye, a week had almost passed.

Her injuries had completely healed, and she had lingered for another two days.

Calculating the time she'd spent outside, she felt she should leave tomorrow.

She had given up hope of seeing Lu Xiao again.

After all, she was a big star; it wasn't her style at all to actively ask for Lu Xiao's contact details. Absolutely not.


At nine o'clock in the morning.

Wen Xian came down yawning, wearing a blue and white striped loose shirt, white ripped jeans, and a pair of AJ sneakers, looking splendid and cool, full of style.

Her sleeping habits had never been very good; she slept late but got up early. Fortunately, Auntie was used to it.

The team members had finished eating early in the morning, and she joined Auntie and Uncle Li for the meal.

Today, Wen Xian was sipping porridge and peeling an expensive tea-flavored egg when—

She overheard Uncle Li heatedly discussing local gossip with flushed face and thick neck: "Oh, you don't know, that girl is just in her twenties. She married a man over fifty just like that, old enough to be her dad! It's all for the money!"

The cafeteria Auntie took a sip of porridge and then sighed in response, "It's really a shame, so young, and she's got to look after him now."

Uncle Li, always known as a friend of women, banged on the table emotionally and asked Wen Xian, "Miss Wen, tell me, isn't it a total waste for that girl? I bet you would never do such a thing in your life!"

Little did he expect.

Just then, Wen Xian, enjoyably eating her tea-flavored egg, replied nonchalantly, "Please, I'm not that good; no offense, but I think fifty or sixty is a bit young. Isn't there anyone in their eighties? Someone ready to pass on and leave me their fortune?"

At this remark, Uncle Li was suddenly choked by his saliva and turned his head to cough violently: "..."


Wen Xian's lips curled with a smile, her eyes gleaming with amusement.

But just then, she suddenly heard Auntie from across the table looking behind her, surprised, "Oh, Captain Lu! You've returned!"

At those words—

In an instant.

Wen Xian's smile froze there, little by little...!

[Nine Bro: Xian Bro, I just want to know what's on your mind now??

Xian Bro: Fuck off, Fu, don't make me slap you.

Nine Bro: Quiet bitching.

Storm for votes and comments aaah!]