Chapter 18: He's a Fighter, a Man Among Men

The tea egg in her hand suddenly lost its appeal.

She sat there, frozen, mechanically stuffing the food into her mouth, unable to taste a thing.

She never looked back, seemingly calm and collected as she sat there.

But no one noticed that the corners of her eyes were twitching faintly.

Her mother smiled, stood up, and looked at Lu Xiao with a gentle and kind expression:

"You've been quite busy these past few days, you must be exhausted. Wait here, I'll get you something to eat. Yesterday, Miss Wen and I made your favorite zanba, butter tea. If you still need to go out later, take some with you in case you get hungry."

As soon as these words were spoken, no matter what Lu Xiao heard, Wen Xian's whole body stiffened.

Wait, wait a minute...!

Although it was made, how did it become something made especially for him?

Perhaps because she felt somewhat guilty, no matter how she heard this sentence, it seemed a bit off.

Wen Xian continued to lower her head, eating her meal.

But she wondered if it was her imagination, after her mother's words, she felt a gaze from behind her looking over.

It seemed to be staring at her.

Suddenly, she felt extremely uneasy.

But that was nothing compared to when the person behind her started approaching with his footsteps...!

Wen Xian turned her face silently to one side, her expression suddenly becoming hard to describe.

Mother clucking chicken!

This man never appears when he's supposed to, but right after she finished her sentence, he showed up with impeccable timing!

By this time, the team members had already finished eating and left; it was just her, her mother, and Uncle Li at a small square table.

The table was set with porridge, zanba, various dairy products, Tibetan bread, and Qingtiao Wine next to Uncle Li.

If Lu Xiao came to eat, then he inevitably had to sit here.

Suddenly, a tall, dark shadow loomed over her, as he sat down opposite her.

Wen Xian never raised her head to look at him, only feeling that his presence seemed too overbearing, a masculine hormone assault that made her heart tremble.

As if a crazed little deer was rampaging inside it.

And right at this moment, Uncle Li, still red and green in the face from her earlier words, failed to notice her discomfort.

After hesitating several times, he still couldn't help but seriously said to her:

"Xiaowen, although you are a big star, you still need to be very careful with your choice of the other half for the future!"

Having said this, Uncle Li paused: "Yes, for someone like you, marrying a rich man wouldn't be difficult, but at your age, if you really want to find some seventy or eighty-year-old to inherit his fortune, tsk, what if he lives a long life!? Then wouldn't you end up a widow!?"

At these words, Wen Xian almost exploded on the spot!


Why did he have to bring up the worst possible scenario!

With a net worth of over a billion, did she need to marry some old coot?!

She tried her best to ignore the presence of the man opposite her, forcing a smile, but found herself at a loss for words.

Uncle Li looked at her with a helpless gaze and let out a sigh: "—You're just too young to understand the taste of being a widow, what's the use of chasing after so much money, it's better to find a strong, young, and handsome lad, that's more worthwhile!"

Wen Xian: "..."

She twitched the corner of her eye, scrambling for an excuse and muttered: "...It's not as simple as you say, look at the men in our circle, each one competing with the girls in splendor."

Uncle Li exclaimed: "Who says you have to find someone from your own circle? There are plenty of such men around here!"

As he spoke, he suddenly looked toward the man beside him: "Look! Take our Commander Lu, for instance, he's a fighter jet, a real man among men—!"