Chapter 29: Silence is Golden

The night was pitch-black as ink.

The light was dim, and he stood with his back to it, his features hidden in the darkness, with only his eyes shining bright like gems.

Wen Xian held his cigarette and lighter in her hand.

Lu Xiao looked at the items in her hand.

Both of them: "..."

A subtle, indescribable tension suddenly filled the air between them.

Silence was more profound than sound.

When he spoke again, Lu Xiao took a step forward and took the cigarette and lighter from her.

Then, looking towards the gate swallowed by the night, he spoke indifferently, "These cheap cigarettes are too harsh, not suitable for you."

Wen Xian: "..."

She stared at his cold, resolute profile, and although she guessed something, she no longer asked.

Ambiguity reverberated between them.

Her lips curved slightly into a faint smile, "Captain Lu, I'm leaving tomorrow."

Her sudden statement.

It seemed as if the air around them grew stagnant.

The man did not speak immediately but walked over to the small dog's kennel next to him.

In the little kennel was a small iron bowl with some traces of food.

Lu Xiao poured a mix of goat's milk and food into the small iron bowl for the pup that was less than a month old.

His tall frame kneeled on one knee, stirring the sticky mixture in the bowl.

Under the hanging cold moon.

A cold silver light shone upon him.

The puppy, hearing the noise, immediately wagged its tail and wriggled out of the kennel, happily circling around his feet, even biting his trousers.

Lu Xiao picked it up by the back of its neck, adjusted it so that its small head buried itself in the bowl, then stood up and said in a deep voice, "You can, as long as you think your health has recovered enough to leave. I've fixed your car too, so you can leave at any time."

He spoke nonchalantly, as if her words hadn't stirred any ripples.

Like a small stone thrown into a lake, without an echo.

Wen Xian: "..."

After Lu Xiao spoke, he turned, opened the door, and went inside.

Leaving Wen Xian alone under the night sky.

Well, not entirely alone—she was accompanied by the small wolf pup.

He just... left?

Wen Xian felt even colder around her.

At that moment, the sturdy little wolf pup sprang towards Wen Xian vigorously with its short legs—!

Its paws stepped on her shoes, baring its teeth as it growled softly at her.

Seeing Lu Xiao's lack of response already made her feel uncomfortably stifled inside, and now, bothered by the little pup, she suddenly kicked it away…!

She walked to the edge of its kennel and food bowl, unable to contain her frustration, and threateningly thrust her foot forward, "You little beast are quite fierce, aren't you? See if I don't kick over your food bowl—!"

From the first day they met, this little creature had been defiant towards her; seeing it reminded her of eating sweet potatoes, always making her think of it as Lu's dog!

The creature too, would pounce and try to bite her whenever it saw her, not measuring its own tiny size!

Seeing its food bowl threatened, the pup didn't dare approach, only whining and growling desperately, anxiously pacing in place.

"I see if you dare to bite me, don't think I won't teach you a lesson—you don't know who I am—"

Ruthless and cruel, the overlord Wen Xian was about to kick the pup's small milk bowl, but just as she raised her foot, not yet having kicked, suddenly—


The door was pushed open again from the inside, and a tall, dark figure reappeared.

In his hands, he carried a bowl of clean, clear water.

[Brother Ji: Hahaha, Sister Xian, please be reasonable! The plot is moving fast! The dog is also a foreshadowing!]]