Chapter 30: The Quiet of the Night Makes for Good Work

The man who came out at this moment just stared at the scene before him, his body freezing in place.

The little rascal saw Lu Xiao emerge and immediately ran to his side, hopping up and down, whining pitifully at him.

As if to say, it might not be human, but she was a real dog!

Lu Xiao looked down at it, placed a small bowl filled with clean water on the ground, and casually stroked its little head.

The puppy then seemed even more imposing when it barked at Wen Xian, its barks louder and more forceful!

It looked as though it was letting her know who the real boss around here was!

Meanwhile, Wen Xian watched Lu Xiao's figure.

Her outstretched foot froze for a moment before she suddenly pretended to kick around in the air, laughed awkwardly with her hands behind her back, and then said, "Don't laugh, but this little thing is quite unique looking!"

After that, she didn't look at him again and rushed to the door, flinging it open and hurrying inside.

Lu Xiao stared at her frantic figure rushing in: "..."


Wen Xian felt she had never been this embarrassed before!!

It was just too damn embarrassing.

She was telling the truth; she rarely cared about what others thought.

Even though she was one way on the surface and another behind the scenes, she had thick skin and could act nonchalant even if discovered, as if nothing had ever happened. But this time——!

She just felt her ears burning up.

What was she doing!?

Bullying a newborn pup!?

How could she stoop to the level of a dog!?

The worst part was that not only had she bullied it, but she was also caught red-handed by him!

She couldn't stay here any longer.

Wen Xian began to pack her bags quickly, planning to leave first thing the next morning.



When she finished packing and came out after a bath, it was already very late.

The deep of the night often inspired wild thoughts.

She lay in her robe on the bed, restless and turning over.

After tossing and turning for a while in bed, Wen Xian sat up, clutching her hair.

This wouldn't do.

This Mr. Lu was so busy with work, always coming and going mysteriously, hardly ever seen.

In a week here, she had only seen him for two days in total. What if she didn't see him tomorrow morning when she set off? What then?

She didn't have any way to contact him!

And this Lu, the dog, really could endure not caring about what she wanted.

After pondering for a while, she got up.

She pulled back the curtains, looking at the tranquil sky, barely able to hear the sound of crickets.

This dark windy night was just perfect for doing something——

As for what exactly, there was no need to say more.

She was about to leave and hadn't gotten the upper hand on him yet. She couldn't stand it!


The corridor was quiet in the late night, everyone asleep, with the moonlight casting a silvery glow, leaving a frost on the ground.

The woman tiptoed softly to a room not far from the stairs on the second floor.

She, with nefarious intentions, had already found out which room he was staying in.

Wen Xian arrived at the door of his room.

Lifting her delicate white hand, she formed a fist and lightly knocked.

The night was very quiet, but her heart was increasingly restless, throbbing, as if a thunderous drumming echoed in her depths.

She didn't know what Lu Xiao would think, seeing her at his doorstep in the dead of night, nor what he might... do.

He was a young man in his prime, strong and vigorous, and there were few women around here...

He must have been holding back for a very long time, a very long time indeed.