Chapter 34: Captain Lu, who bullied her?!

Late at night.

In the cramped bathroom, misty steam filled the air.

The man stood under the shower, letting the water cascade down his body.

Not knowing what else came to mind, he lifted his head, tilted back his chin, clenched his teeth, his neck muscles taut.



The next day.

Early morning, with cooking smoke rising.

Outside, the sky was still in a state of semi-darkness, while the distance was tinted with hues of red and gold along the horizon.

It was now almost eight o'clock.

Wen Xian rarely got up so early, but to be precise, she hadn't slept well all night.

She felt that it was her mistake.

She shouldn't have provoked that man.

He was a man of integrity, solemn and stern; it wasn't an act.

Of course, he was not without feelings for her; on the contrary, last night in his gray pants, the sensation was overwhelmingly pronounced...!

But he controlled himself and didn't touch her body.

She really had gained a new insight; in this flashy world's mudslide, he truly was a clear stream.

Some have said that, in today's society, temptations are plentiful, and self-discipline is the highest form of asceticism.

His control over himself, she had to admit, made her like him even more...!

That intense self-discipline was even more sexually attractive to her...!


She knew since yesterday that they had to embark on a mission today, planning to capture the poachers.

So she waited for their cars to move out and leave, then she would go downstairs.

She didn't want to face Lu Xiao again.

And Lu Xiao—

Probably had already left early.

The two of them, barring any surprises, would no longer have any involvement with one another.

At the moment.

As the vehicles started up and left, Wen Xian looked down to see no more car shadows, then she prepared to go downstairs for a bite to eat.

Downstairs, as expected, there were no traces of them.

She breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, yet felt an inexplicable sense of loss.

The grandma was still enthusiastically offering her food, and Old Mr. Li was gossiping with her; unusually, she didn't retort.

Instead, she patiently listened, occasionally offering a polite laugh, and after eating half a meal, she went upstairs.

And after she went up the stairs—

The grandma, wiping dishes with a cloth, glanced at the staircase and said to Old Mr. Li, "What's with Xiaowen, she seems like a frostbitten eggplant, all wilted."

Old Mr. Li pondered, "... Don't mention it, it does seem to be the case; she's not quite right today...!"

At this moment—

The door of the district hall was suddenly opened.

A figure walked in, carrying the chill of the winter's day not yet passed.

A little dog eagerly followed at his heels.

Seeing the newcomer, the grandma's eyes lit up as she came forward, "Captain Lu, Captain Lu, do you know what's wrong with Miss Wen?"

The latter, hearing a certain name, stiffened.

Lu Xiao, with a somber look, asked in a low voice, "What happened?"

Old Mr. Li now chimed in:

"Xiaowen seems like she's sick or something, all listless and pale. She hardly interacted with me today, as if she's been bullied by someone. Do you know if anyone has bullied her?"

With this question—

Lu Xiao: "..."

She, bullied by someone...?

She's more likely to bully others, really.

Lu Xiao's gaze was cool as he replied directly, "Who would bully her? She's about to leave soon; she's probably just reluctant to part with you all."

At these words, both the grandma and Old Mr. Li were startled.

Although they knew she would eventually leave, they hadn't expected her departure to be today.

Especially the grandma, who anxiously exclaimed, "She's leaving so suddenly? That child, really! I haven't even prepared some food for her journey. Captain Lu, wait for me!

"I'll go to the kitchen and fetch her some food, you give it to her for me—!"

[Brother Nine: Haha, the senior squad providing an assist!]