Chapter 35: This Scene Is So Awkward

Mother hurried into the back kitchen to get it.

Lu Xiao just stood at the stairway, seemingly unsure whether to go up or not, "... "

Upon hearing that Wen Xian was about to leave, Old Mr. Li immediately let out a long sigh, "It's just us left again."

Being older, he enjoyed the liveliness.

They also liked Xiaowen, who, despite being a big star, didn't look down on ordinary people like them at all.

As Old Mr. Li was feeling down, he suddenly heard Chief Lu say,

"Uncle Li, what do you think of her as a person?"

As soon as he said this, Old Mr. Li glanced at him, "How can you talk about someone behind their back?!"

Lu Xiao, "…?"

The next second, Old Mr. Li leaned in, his face serious,

"Although Xiaowen often acts phony and pretentious, and she's not polite when she talks back to me, I strangely find myself liking her character. Isn't that strange? Without her shocking and disagreeable views to argue with me every day, I find life too boring…!"

As he spoke, Old Mr. Li waved his hand and sighed, "She's a bit cunning, but not bad. Compared to some heartless criminals around here, what she does is child's play!"

After all, he had lived most of his life; who said that people living here must be simple and kind!

This place is harsh and has nurtured who knows how many criminals?

As for her, she's still very tender, coddled by the stars around her.

Lu Xiao, "…"


Wen Xian spread open her suitcase, packing the last items when suddenly, a knock on the door startled her—

"Thud thud thud—"

Caught off guard, Wen Xian thought it was Mother and instinctively called out, "The door isn't locked, come in!"

With that, the door opened.

Wen Xian, still squatting on the ground and packing, started to slow down her movements until finally... she froze.

Steady footsteps approached.

They stopped two steps away from her, and he stood still.

Wen Xian held her breath and slowly looked up.

One looked down at her, the other looked up—

Their gazes collided in mid-air.


His eyes were pitch-black and profound, seeming to carry an innate, imposing aura when looking at others.

But after only two seconds, Wen Xian averted her gaze and continued packing, her movements stiffening somewhat.

He was supposed to have left long ago... wasn't he?

Lu Xiao was still holding a bag, his voice indifferent, "This is something Mother put together for you to eat on the road, a little gesture of her kindness."

His tone was emotionless, as if nothing had happened the night before.

Wen Xian glanced at the bag, "Thanks."

Today, she was especially cold compared to before.

Perhaps, she had realized that he was a tough nut to crack and had given up.

Lu Xiao looked at her, seemingly unfazed, "Once you're packed, you can leave. I'll wait for you outside."

Wen Xian didn't say anything but hummed lightly through her nose.

Lu Xiao left.

As his footsteps disappeared, Wen Xian stopped what she was doing. Sitting on the floor, she took a deep breath and clutched her hair, overwhelmed with frustration.

Suddenly, she felt inexplicably deflated.

He remained so calm, even boldly appearing in front of her.

Only she felt irritated and disheartened.

She got up and went to the bathroom.

However, when she came back out, she was taken aback—

"Hey!! Have you gone mad, you little beast…!!"

Wen Xian yelled, completely flustered!

Seeing the sudden appearance of a puppy messing up her luggage, especially pulling out her lace underwear and ripping them to shreds—

She felt a rush of blood to her head, close to dying of rage!

Lu Xiao, smoking in the hallway, heard the commotion and quickly walked in.

Upon entering, he saw Wen Xian chasing the puppy, trying to hit the little rascal scurrying all over, with a black bra… in its mouth!