Chapter 44: The Wrath from Captain Lu!

Wen Xian frowned slightly.

She faintly felt it looked familiar, as if she had seen the item on that plate somewhere before.

The man in black was quickly heading into a private room.

Wen Xian withdrew her gaze and noticed that Lu Xiao was holding his phone, his expression somewhat solemn, evidently looking at something.

She hesitated for a moment but couldn't help asking, "Lu Xiao, do you know what animal's meat... um, looks like it has thumbnail-sized scales and grooves?"

As soon as she said this, Lu Xiao, who had been checking a message from Sang Nian, froze for a moment, then slowly looked up with tightened brows, "...What did you say? Something like scale armor patterns?"

Wen Xian: "..."

Why did his face suddenly change, was there something special?

She paused her tone for a moment, nodded, and added, "Right, the meat was dark red too. What animal's meat around here looks like that?"

As she spoke, her gaze shifted towards the direction of a private room.

But Lu Xiao, as if realizing something, suddenly turned around, and when he faced her again, his dark fierce eyes were filled with seriousness, "Tell me, what did you see?"

Seeing the change in his emotions, Wen Xian started to stutter somewhat, hurriedly pointing with her chopsticks toward the second private room, "Just now, someone came in carrying a tray and walked that way, I thought the meat he was carrying looked a bit strange."

The memory of that thing seemed to resonate in her mind, yet she couldn't remember what it was for the moment.

It seemed like she had seen it before at some grand leaders' banquets within certain circles.

But at such events, she hardly ate and only drank.

That's when Lu Xiao abruptly stood up, his face dark and grim, and headed towards that private room.

Wen Xian was stunned for a moment, then quickly got up and followed him.

"Lu Xiao! Lu Xiao! What are you doing?"

She hurriedly followed him and asked.

But Lu Xiao suddenly stopped, took a deep breath, and said, "I suspect it's pangolin meat. I'm going to check it out now. You wait by the door. If you hear the sound of a plate smashing, call the police immediately, understand!?"

Wen Xian was dumbfounded, not expecting that her casual comment could really mean they were eating pangolin!

Being a worldly person, she didn't lose her composure. Considering his words, she quickly replied, "If there's anything fishy about this place, I'll call the police immediately, but—"

"No buts, just do as I said."

Lu Xiao cut her off and turned around to leave.

Wen Xian stood there, looking at the people around who were still eating, and suddenly felt her mind buzzing.

She couldn't help but worry, if there really was a problem, could he, all by himself—

Manage it?

Lu Xiao headed straight for the private room, the door slightly ajar.

He walked over without changing his expression, passed by a chair, casually pulled off a towel hanging from it, wrapped it around his right hand, then clenched it.

Upon reaching the door, he pushed it open—

Suddenly, the scene inside came into view.

Inside sat seven or eight men and two women, the room filled with swirling smoke, several beer bottles lay scattered on the floor, and on the round table—

Small plates, each bearing the familiar chunks of meat.

The red meat, still attached to the skin, bore thumbnail-sized scale grooves—what else could it be if not pangolin!

Not only that, his gaze swept over the other plates, revealing meat from other wild animals!

Based on his past experience, he instantly recognized the meat of the nationally protected falcon and the wild civet!

Seeing this scene, Lu Xiao's entire presence instantly turned chilling and menacing—!