Chapter 45: Strong Alliance!

As soon as Lu Xiao entered, those people were momentarily stunned. One of them, displeased, shouted, "Hey, who are you, what do you want!?"

Lu Xiao directly took out his Forestry Bureau ID and sternly reprimanded, "You are gathered here consuming wild game, which constitutes a criminal offense. You need to come with me to the Forestry Bureau!"

As soon as these words were spoken, someone panicked. He quickly stood up, his face crowded with a smile, "Hey, bro, can you let this slide? It's our first time, you see..."

Meanwhile, he pulled out his wallet and took out a stack of red banknotes, trying to stuff them into Lu Xiao's pocket.

Lu Xiao, however, grabbed his wrist in one move, squeezing so hard that the man's bones almost shattered, and harshly scolded, "Bribing a law enforcement officer adds one more charge! None of you are leaving today!"

As soon as he finished speaking, two men at the table exchanged glances. The next second, one of them suddenly picked up a plate and hurled it at him—

Lu Xiao dodged by tilting his head, and the plate smashed against the wall with a snap, instantly shattering into pieces...!

It made quite a noise.

Outside, Wen Xian, who had been keeping an ear out, shuddered at the sound, thinking, how come they started smashing plates so soon!

She immediately followed Lu Xiao's instruction to call the police.

Meanwhile, as she looked towards the tightly closed private room door, her heart hung heavy.

Lu Xiao, he...

He had told her to wait outside, but she could hardly keep still.

At that moment, Wen Xian suddenly saw a waiter hurriedly going to a manager by the counter to report something, eyes set on the private room, his face filled with anxiety!

On hearing this, the manager's face turned pale, and he hurriedly left the counter, trying to leave quickly—

Wen Xian just sat calmly at the entrance, even casually gnawing on a rib.

However, just as the man rushed over, suddenly, Wen Xian stretched out a long leg—


With a loud noise, the man fell directly onto the glass door, which then shattered with a loud crash.

All eyes instantly turned towards them—

Wen Xian then looked down at her palm, where a piece of flying glass had pierced and was faintly bleeding.

Wen Xian: "...Damn."

She grimaced, cursing under her breath, so much for a smooth operation!


Back inside the private room.

The conflict had completely escalated. A man clutching a briefcase tried to rush towards the door—

Lu Xiao immediately grabbed him by the collar and threw him onto the table, causing a mess. The man yelped in pain as he rolled across the table.

Lu Xiao's expression was dark and ominous.

Neither these people nor this establishment would escape!

As soon as the owner of this place was identified, he would be arrested and jailed for years.

Beyond protected species, all sorts of wild game were strictly prohibited!

They didn't even know how many viruses and bacteria those wild games harbored!

Especially civets, carrying thousands of bacteria. The epidemics in the past were caused by consuming wild game. Yet even now, these people had not learned their lesson!

How many more innocent people had to pay a tragic price for their foolish actions?!

Seeing how adamant Lu Xiao was, the men inside became desperate. One of them suddenly picked up a wine bottle and smashed it on the table revealing a sharp edge—

He viciously threatened, "Do you know who we are?! You're clueless, messing with us will make you regret it—!"