A Deal

"However?" The scarlet-masked youth asked.

"I have two conditions."

"Speak up! As long as you can cure me, what's two, I would even agree to ten conditions!"

"First, I want the Gate of Seven Kills to keep the Lou Family of Qingyun City safe in the next three years. Every day, at least one expert of the Mystic Martial realm must protect them." Lou Qianxue told him the first condition without any hesitation.

"…" The scarlet-masked young man's amorous eyes darkened, but they glowed again very soon. "Sure. But girl, we're an organization of killers. Our trade involves killing. You're the first who dares to ask killers to protect people."

"Second." A murderous expression appeared on Lou Qianxue's cold, tender face. "A while ago, someone went to the Gate of Seven Kills to buy my life. I want to know who they are!"