New Powers

Still having doubts, Lou Qianxue returned to the Qingfeng Hotel with the others. When she closed the door of her room, she immediately entered the Mountain River Space.

She had to know what had happened to her body!

Lou Qianxue sat cross-legged and linked her mind with her body. She instantly saw the strong and flexible meridians on her body.

At that moment, she could see every change that had happened in her body.

The meridians that had been previously destroyed had grown anew. The pink flesh showed how quickly they had recovered.

She was close to making a full recovery!

This was a miracle!

Lou Qianxue suppressed her excitement and observed her previous injuries.

She saw a tiny green glow around them.

That green glow…

"The Heavenly Sacred tree?"

Lou Qianxue suddenly opened her eyes wide. "That power. It's definitely the power of the Heavenly Sacred tree!"