You Have No Choice

It seemed that her body had yielded to this man even though her heart had yet to.

At some time, her thin dress had been opened to reveal her beautiful and smooth skin. Although he had simply touched her, Dan Taiyuan sighed in comfort.

His dreams about this ecstatic and blissful feeling every night had not been in vain.

Indeed, it felt comfortable.

His burning palms inched down Lou Qianxue's smooth and delicate skin. Even though he had touched her smoothly, faint bruises appeared scattered all over her body.

Lou Qianxue shuddered, and her toes curled up.

A blush traveled from her cheeks to her beautiful white body.

Subconsciously, she pushed him back. However, a current in her body caused her to lose all her strength. She became weak and delicate.

Dan Taiyuan had sealed her petal-like lips, and she could not make a single sound.

The terrifying thing was that her essence martial power had fallen dormant.