I'll Protect You

Had it not been for a sharp arrow that shot through the door, Dan Taiyuan might not have stopped today.

Like a starving wolf who had just tasted meat after a long time, Dan Taiyuan could not bear to stop. He treated Lou Qianxue as a delicious dish and tasted every single inch of her body over and over again…

Under his lips and palms, beautiful flowers blossomed over her initially smooth skin.

His mouth was filled with fragrance and softness. Dan Taiyuan, who usually hated to touch other people and rarely was intimate with others, felt that the existence of a soulmate was indeed not unreasonable.

No wonder so many people have such an existence to accompany them. Even if he had to give up killing or pursuing immortality, even if he had to waste precious cultivation time, he would have no regrets.

His mother had once said that regardless of whether a person finds their soulmates, or their soulmates find them, they were all lucky beings.