The Lou Family Cannot Be Maintained!

"Miss Xingchen? Lou Xingchen! That darned Lou Xingchen!" Lou Potian felt a rush of hatred in his heart. He bit his teeth and clenched his fists. At this moment, he hated himself for not strangling Lou Xingchen to death before she entered the Lou family and also not killing her with his sword during the Prefecture competition!

She was also a member of the Lou family, yet due to her selfishness, she had created illusory treasures that brought disaster to the Lou family.

What was the use for a selfish and ruthless person like her to emerge as the best at the Prefecture competition? She could sacrifice anyone for her gain!

As Lou Potian looked at his family members who fell one after another, he felt grief. However, he was powerless to change it.

Right now, he was only glad that he had chosen Lou Qianxue back then.