We Have To Live!

When he saw that Lou Xiaoxiao had calmed down, Lou Changfeng's voice also became gentler. "Xiaoxiao, protect your brothers and sisters and leave. It's more meaningful than bringing them to die together!"

His voice was gentle, yet it contained an indescribable force. "I believe that with you all, the Lou family will rise again! Moreover, after the prefecture competition ended, Old City Lord had informed the main family of Fengyang Prefecture about Qianxue. With her talent, the main family will definitely send people over to receive her. If we're all dead, who will inform Qianxue of all these matters? To take revenge for us, there had to be a Lou family first! If you all don't escape, then who would rebuild the family?"

As Lou Changfeng spoke at the end, he also started to choke.