The Master of 'Phantom Demon Heart Fire'?

The red crystal stone was vibrant, brilliant, and beautiful. It emitted a strange aura and attracted many of the flame sparks that were floating in the air above Lou Qianxue and Gong Sunheng.

"Huh? This thing seems special!" Gong Sunheng's eyes lit up. "Who knows it may come in handy when we obtain the 'Phantom Demon Heart Fire'!"

The moment the red crystal stone had appeared inside the boundary of the Abnormal Fire, a black shadow deep within the boundary vigorously trembled. A wild and sinister laugh suddenly reverberated in a deeper area of the flame…

"Divine Blood Stone! The ants who broke into the boundary of the 'Phantom Demon Heart Fire' actually have the Divine Blood Stone!

"Hahaha… Looks like heaven is helping me! I can finally leave this damn place!!! Hahahaha!"
