Master, Let Your Disciple Pay Respect To You

"Not bad, young lady. I'm lucky to have met you before disappearing." The old voice coming from the human-shaped figure in the flames was filled with endless enticement and happiness. "I've finally found a suitable successor to pass on everything that I've learned in my life…"

Such a huge thing was falling onto her lap; it made Mo Qingyuan dizzy.

She felt so blissful that she almost fainted. Nevertheless, she still had some wisdom as she tried to judge whether this human-shaped figure's words were true.

"This person has practically merged with the 'Phantom Demon Heart Fire' and become one. It should be true that he was once closely connected to the source of the 'Phantom Demon Heart Fire'! It's indeed highly possible that he's the previous master of the 'Phantom Demon Heart Fire'… "

"But am I really so lucky? Isn't this too unbelievable?"