You Are Not Angry.

"Shut up!"

Lou Qianxue stretched her hand and embarrassedly pushed him. "I don't like it, and I'm not comfortable with it."

Even though she did not dislike Dan Taiyuan, every time he acted like a gangster when they met, she couldn't accept it.

She kept feeling that there was still a gap between them.

A gap created due to things she couldn't say!

"You're lying."

Dan Taiyuan stared at her. "You liked it before."

He loosened his grip on the warm and fair skin beneath his fingers, then placed his hand beside her lips. "I let you bite me previously. After you bit me, you became obedient and agreed to everything."

As Lou Qianxue furiously stared at his fingers, she recalled the bet she had made with him to make her laugh. It had also originated from the problem of whether to bite or not.

D*mn it!