Why Do You Not Want Me To Learn?

Her fair arms struggled to stretch out from the bed.

However, arms stronger than them pressed her down again.

A familiar and faint fragrance permeated the air.

Her soft and smooth body intertwined with his body like vines.

The initial rejection she felt turned into her welcoming it.

The little pet made a whimpering sound that he liked. It was like hearing a nice song.

Invisible flames surged in his heart and burned all areas of his body.

It made his whole body burn hot as if he were being fried in a frying pan. An explosive desire roamed in his body.

It felt both comfortable and miserable.

Big droplets of sweat dripped from his forehead onto the delicate body below him. It made her lightly tremble.


This little pet is obviously below me and giving in to all my demands, but I keep feeling that something is missing.

Not enough!

This is still not enough!