We Are Looking For Miracle Doctor Su

When the apprentices heard their master's teasing, they all laughed at Su Jin Long.

But, Su Jin Long appeared to not have heard about this. He looked at the jeep that was moving further and further away. He felt anxious and broke into a run towards the jeep.

"Brat, where are you going?" Su Jiang Hai shouted behind him, but he was worried that Su Jin Long might cause trouble.

This month, Su Jin Long had truly grown up. He did not run around all over the mountains with Su Jin Biao and the others anymore. He had been accompanying him indoors, making furniture. He also made them surprisingly well.

Su Jin Long was like an arrow that had left the bow as he made a beeline towards the jeep while shouting, "I am going to the Interstellar Army. The jeep has come to get me!"

"Stupid boy!" Su Jiang Hai looked at Su Jin Long, who was running further away. The boy had become too obsessed with becoming a soldier, it might be good for him to just go take a look.

The jeep traveled slowly along the mountain road. Su Jin Long was walking in a straight line in an open field. In this period of time, he had been training his body and chased the jeep to the village entrance in one go, as he stared blankly while chasing it.

The first team's leader had already seen the robust figure from the rearview mirror. If he was not mistaken, the body had already followed them for 5 kilometers, "Vice-captain, take a look at the little comrade that had followed us all the way."

Wu Feng jumped down the front passenger seat and turned to look.

At this time, Su Jin Long ran in front of him, stood still, and even saluted, "Uncles, good day. I have caught up to you."

Wu Feng sized him up with a few looks, and patted his shoulder in the end, "Little comrade, why did you follow us?"

"I want to join the Interstellar Army!"

"How old are you this year?"

"I am already 15!"

"Train your body well. If you want a chance, wait for the Interstellar Army recruitment!"

"Yes, soldier uncle," Su Jin Long's mind was full of flowers. This soldier uncle did not turn his back on him!

The first team's leader parked the car properly. They had heard the news that the miracle doctor lived to the east of the village, so it should be close by, "Little comrade, are you from this village?"

Su Jin Long nodded his head.

"There is a miracle doctor Su in Apricot Village, do you recognize him?"

"Oh, you are looking for her?"

The first team's leader nodded his head, "We have an urgent matter to ask her!"

Su Jin Long immediately became spirited, "Then you have asked the right person. I am the closest person to her. Follow me."

Su Jin Long led the way in front and ran into his own courtyard, "Sis, Sis. quickly come out. Two soldier uncles looking for you!"


Wu Feng and the first team's leader were stunned. They heard that miracle doctor Su was an old man. They even heard his legs were limp and specially prepared a stretcher.

Su Mian was currently in the kitchen helping He Qin prepare dinner when she heard a loud voice from outside the door.

When she looked, Su Jin Long had already brought in two soldiers behind him.

"You are looking for me?" Su Mian used her apron to wipe her blackened hands from handling firewood.

"Are you miracle doctor Su?"

Even if they had already prepared themselves, the first team's leader had almost been startled. The well-known miracle doctor within 50 kilometers was actually an 18-19-year-old young woman.

The young woman had an oval face and fair skin. Her eyes appeared clear and spirited. Her two braided pigtails hung from her head to her chest. They felt that she was beautiful as she stood in an elegant matter in front of them.

"Cough, cough," Seeing that the leader stared at the young woman without blinking, Wu Feng coughed twice. Only then did the captain awkwardly scratch the back of his head.

The young woman in front of them was truly beautiful. Even the person that was called the Army's Flower could not compare to her!

"Just call me Su Mian. Please come in and talk in detail. It's cold outside," Su Mian invited them inside.

The leader had been just been stunned by Su Mian's beauty, but he had now sobered up. He whispered to Wu Feng, "Vice-captain, could we have found the wrong person? This girl shouldn't even be 20, right? Can she truly cure the soldiers? The county hospital's doctors were all unable to do anything about it!"

Su Mian was young. She did not look like a miracle doctor at all, but Wu Feng was able to smell the faint herbal medicine in the air when he entered the house. Therefore, he was certain that this was the person they had come to find.