Moving Through The Night

"Don't worry. there is no mistake that it is this person," Su Feng knew that the team leader was doubtful, but he patted his shoulder to comfort him.

Su Jin Long politely handed two glasses of warm water, "You two uncles should be thirsty by now. Here drink some warm water."

"Thank you little comrade. We have a preumptious request. We hava an emergency right now and would like to invite comrade Su Mian to follow us back to the Interstellar Army's encampment," Wu Feng got right to the point. They cannot delay any more time.

He Qin panicked when she heard it. Although they were believable, her daughter was still only 18. She was worried if she just went with them like this, "Sirs, where is your Interstallar Army encampment? Which team are you from?"

"This..." Wu Feng let out a difficult expression as he truly could not tell her.

Su Mian knew that He Qin was worried. She knew that what He Qin asked were all classified information and quickly pulled on her, "Mom, everything you asked is all classified information. They would never be able to tell you these."

"Is that so?" He Qin doubtfully looked at Wu Feng and the team leader, but if they did not say anything, she would even be more worried.

"Mom, you can feel reassured. Nothing will happen to me."

"How could I not worry. Your father is not at home. You are a girl going with two men. If you disappear, where am I going to find you," He Qin spoke as her eyes reddened.

"Mom, they are interstellar soldiers. They won't lie to us."

On the other hand, Su Jin Long let out a mischievous chuckle and patted his chest, "Mom, I will accompany sister. You can relax with me there to protect her!"

After saying so, he went into Su Mian's room and carried out her medicine box, "Look, I can even help sis."

Su Jin Long was already quite impatient when he heard that they were going to bring Su Mian back to the encampment. He wished he could go there right now.

He wanted to see where the interstellar soldiers lived, what they ate, how they were so spirited, etc. How good would it be if he could see how they were training.

The brother and sister took a while before finally apeasing He Qin. Wu Feng promised over and over again to definitely bring them back safe and sound. Then they finally left.

The mountain road was craggy and slippery. With the darkness of the night, the jeep took 5 hours before making it to the encampment. It was already 11 at night when they made it.

Along the way, We Feng already explained the situation to Su Mian.

It seemed that half a month ago, the team had been brought to the mountians for their wilderness training. In the beginning, some people had vomitted a torrent, and they thought it was due to not being acclimated to the environment.

The team brought an interstellar military doctor and a nurse with them. After prescribing medicine, the people who drank the medicine not only did not get well, but even more people began vomitting the second day.

In the end, ten more people had contracted the same circumstances. When the leader saw that the situation was getting out of hand, he quickly contacted the county hospital. The county hospital had sent a few interstellar military doctors. The sick people were given intravenous infusions, but they still did not get well after two days. Now, the infected had already reached 50.

With the infected increasing, the county hospital's interstellar military doctors could not do anything. in the end, they heard about Apricot Village's miracle doctor that specialized in all categories of hard cases. Other than not being able to make men give birth, there was no illness he could not cure.

They went to try and invite the miracle doctor. They also heard that the miracle doctor was old and could not move freely, thus they had specially brought a stretcher with them.


"Sis, I think information about you had been distorted!" Su Jin Long carried the medicine box and jumped down the car. He looked at the soldiers guarding the doorway and even saluted towards them.

The guard remained standing still there while trying to hold his smile.

They did not know where this boy had come from, but he had almost broken their efforts with his inferior salute!

After wearing personal protective equipment, face mask, and gloves, Su Mian directly went to see the infected.

She had already had suspicions that this time's patients were infected with the Norovirus.

"Leader Wu, in order to stop the epidemic from spreading, I have a few ways," Su Mian's expression became serious.