Through Your Black Hair My Hand

"Through Your Black Hair My Hand!"

Outside the banquet hall, Lin Yao called to a man with long legs who was about to walk out. At the moment, his reindeer headgear had been removed, so Lin Yao finally saw his face.

His hair was thick and black. It had been neatly combed and slicked back behind his ears, revealing his wide, square forehead.

Perhaps because he had been wearing a headgear, there were a few strands of stray hair on his forehead, but it didn't look messy. Instead, it added the right amount of ruffle to his overly stiff hairstyle and gave him an energetic look.

His eyes were deep-set, narrow, and slightly slanted, but the expression in his eyes was indifferent. All he did was give her an aloof cursory glance, but it somehow made him appear haughty and intimidating.

His nose was protruding and straight. His lips were neither thin nor thick. They were plump, with clearly-defined contours.

When he didn't smile, he gave off an austere air... as he did now.

Lin Yao thought his face seemed very familiar, yet also very unfamiliar.

She was quite sure that she had seen his face before!

But she couldn't remember exactly when. When and where did she meet him?

In the winter, Hang City's temperature at night was already very low, and the wind was so chilly that Lin Yao felt it as soon as she walked out of the banquet hall. Fortunately, she was covered in a long down jacket, and only her delicate-featured face peered out.

With makeup on, her face looked slightly different from Cheng Jiaoqian's in Qin Rongze's memory, but some features overlapped.

Qin Rongze's eyes flicked across her face, and he asked indifferently, "What do you want?"

His voice matched his temperament very well. Both gave people a sense of indifference and coldness.

Lin Yao had been immersed in her own thoughts just now, but his abrupt question made her snap back to reality. Then she realized that she had been staring intently at his face for a while without even blinking.

She smiled a little apologetically and said sincerely, "Sorry, I've caused you trouble tonight. I came to apologize to you. I mistook you for a friend of mine earlier, so…"

So she dragged him to dance and took the initiative to hold his arm... she really had no idea how to explain this.

"Well, while on stage, I... I hope I didn't cause you too much trouble."

Actually, there was no better solution at the time, so he should understand right? Lin Yao felt anxious inside.

Qin Rongze gazed at her silently, and his eyes rested on her completely covered neck. The diamond necklace named "Unstoppable Love" now had a new owner.

He snorted internally, as if he was mocking himself, and his bottom lip lifted slightly, as if to smile, but his voice was cold.

"A trivial matter. No need to mention it again."

After he spoke, he left.

Lin Yao stood there in a daze.

After a long while, she stomped her feet indignantly. "I pulled him to dance, I held his arm, I kissed him, but he's the aggrieved one?"

On second thought, he had resisted her approach, but the result was that she had forcefully dragged him away to dance all night long, and was forcibly kissed, so even if it was done through a headgear, perhaps he was still aggrieved?

Forget it, she'd just treat this as an incident where she took advantage of a handsome guy. They'll probably never see each other again, so it wouldn't be that awkward.

But that scene was seen by many people, and even recorded by the TV station, she was afraid...

At that moment, Lin Yao heard someone walking out of the banquet room to ask, "Who saw where Naughty Peach went?"


Underground Parking Lot.

"Surprise~" Liang Kaiwen came out from behind the pillar and winked at him. "Chairman, do you think I handled the matter well?"

Qin Rongze snorted lightly, and said unpleasantly, "Don't you yourself know best whether or not you handled the matter well?"

Liang Kaiwen had always been goofy, and once he got on a roll he couldn't stop. He nearly took the host's lines from him.

If he had taken the hosting seriously things would have been fine, but everything that came out of his mouth was complete nonsense, so he embarrassed Orlando!

He was already lucky that he wasn't booed by the audience, and now this guy was looked for praise for his deeds?

Of course, Liang Kaiwen didn't feel the slightest bit apologetic about robbing the host of his lines. In his eyes, he did the host's work for him, but he didn't pay the host a single penny less, so he was actually being incredibly generous. The host should be the one ashamed.

But was the CEO being sarcastic?

He was definitely being sarcastic, right?

He knew that he shouldn't have agreed to help him, shouldn't have let the chairman browse around Hang City Forum, nor should he have encouraged the chairman to participate in this masquerade!

He said grudgingly, "But little sister Lin Yao danced with you tonight, and even offered you a kiss, huh~? What about that headgear? We need to keep it safe and then present it to little sister Lin Yao later on. No doubt she'll be touched, and when she's touched, everything next will be easy to handle!"

Not only that, but he had also personally witnessed the chairman hold little sister Lin Yao's waist, and he even touched her small hands!

After Liang Kaiwen hurriedly left the banquet hall, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that he had arranged everything perfectly tonight. He was a savior. The chairman should thank him and give him a raise, so he waited in the parking lot.

Turns out it was wishful thinking...

Perhaps after the chairman put his arms around her waist and touched her small hands, he found that he had no feelings for Lin Yao at all?

If that was the case, wasn't the chairman...

Liang Kaiwen put his hand into his mouth in shock. If the chairman was really like that, was it still necessary for him to help the chairman chase after Lin Yao?

However, Liang Kaiwen felt that hooking up with a meek young girl like Lin Yao really wasn't difficult at all. At the slightest move from the chairman, hundreds of thousands of such girls would be throwing themselves at him in no time, so it was normal for him not to have any feelings for her.

Speaking of this, how was Lin Yao nearly as attractive as the hottie Jiang Mingshu. Her figure was amazing, she had a saucy personality, and, like a wild horse, she could easily stir up a man's desire to dominate...

Liang Kaiwen's train of thoughts also ran wild like a wild horse and went off on a tangent.

Snorting lightly, Qin Rongze interrupted Liang Kaiwen's wild imagination.

Liang Kaiwen scratched his head and asked tentatively, "Chairman, be honest, do you think that you're out of Lin Yao's league? If you have a new target, you must tell me."

Qin Rongze shot him a glance but still had an impassive expression. He calmly opened the door and got into the car.

In the car, Qin Rongze closed his eyes and meditated.

Actually, his feelings for Lin Yao were complicated. On the one hand, because Cheng Jiaoqian was getting married, his years of unrequited love had ended.

After experiencing tormenting pain, he realized how ridiculous it actually was for him to pay attention to someone who looked like her.

He had decided to let go of Cheng Jiaoqian and let go of the past. As for Lin Yao, she naturally was a part of that past, as well.

After organizing his thoughts a little, Qin Rongze felt relieved, but at the same time, he felt a bit empty inside, too.

This feeling of despondence was exactly the same feeling he got when she pulled her hand away from his face.

Although he consciously sensed that his feelings for Lin Yao seemed to have changed a bit, he didn't have time to think about it, and his mind was filled with the work he was going to face again.

He told himself: forget it. He can speak to her after he makes up his mind, so he didn't need to rush.

Liang Kaiwen didn't receive a clear-cut answer, nor could he figure out what the chairman planned on doing, so he felt somewhat distressed.

When he snapped back to reality, he suddenly discovered that the chairman's car had already started.

He was about to get in the car, but discovered the door was locked!

He patted the car door, but in response, the chairman started the engine and the car sped away.

Ah, what on earth was happening...