A Man Who Couldn’t Ever Possibly Belong To Her

After the Hang Citynight masquerade party, Jiang Mingshu followed a group of people, including Like Spring Breeze, to keep partying like crazy, but Lin Yao wasn't in the mood. After giving Jiang Mingshu a phone call she headed straight home.

Tonight's event had too great of an impact on her, and for a long while she couldn't calm down from the emotional turmoil.

Lin Yao didn't really understand the significance behind the name Hang City Star, but the diamond necklace that she received from the sponsor, Orlando Group, came from the United States' Rockwell family and was hanging around her neck.

Moreover, she received it while everyone applauded and cheered.

Normally she dared not even dream about such grandiose things, but it had actually happened!

At the same time she felt euphoric, she also felt a little uneasy.

This necklace probably cost as much as a house in Hangzhou. If she could choose, she would rather Orlando give her a lump of money or a house instead of a necklace that she had no chance to wear.

How about she return the thing to the Orlando Group, and then ask them if she could be reimbursed?

It was just a passing thought.

What should she do with it?

Sell it?

At the moment, Lin Yao owned the necklace, so of course, she had the right to sell it for cash. The problem was that she didn't know how or where to sell it.

The prestigious auction houses weren't accessible to people of her station.

She could certainly put it up for sale online, but she was afraid that it would bring a series of new problems. Aside from whether or not she could sell it, she was more worried about being scammed or unexpected troubles coming out of the process.

Keep it?

This necklace could be used as an heirloom, but it would have no other use, and she didn't even know how she should keep it safe, so it was unsuitable!

Although the Chaoyang neighborhood community where she lived was rather safe at the moment, if in the future, someone observant enough realized that she had such an exorbitant necklace in her hands, her safety would be jeopardized!

Lin Yao realized that this thing was like a hot potato, and she didn't know what to do with it!

From her closet, she pulled out some bling accessories that came along with some clothes she bought, then threw them together with the diamond necklace into an unremarkable carton.

As a result, the gleam of the diamond was suddenly less conspicuous, and she haphazardly shoved the carton into the corner of her closet.


That night, Lin Yao had a dream.

In her dream, she returned to the Hang Citynight Masquerade, the same banquet hall, the same crowd of people, she pulled aside Hot Pot Is Too Hot, who was wearing a reindeer headgear, went to the dance floor with him.

After the first dance, Hot Pot Is Too Hot scurried after Little Gualing, and Lin Yao was abandoned, again.

Before Lin Yao had time to think about why she used the phrase "again", she was surrounded by a group of male netizens whose faces she couldn't see clearly. They were tall, short, fat, thin... all sorts of types.

A man with long hair walked through the crowd toward Lin Yao. He held a carnation in one hand and used the other hand to make an inviting gesture. "Beautiful lady, please dance with me!"

Other male netizens were unwilling to relent, and also shouting at her, "Peaches Aren't Naughty, choose me! Choose me!"

The most bizarre thing was that she heard someone say, "Peaches Aren't Naughty, I'll treat you to meat buns…"

This was definitely a nightmare!

Just as Lin Yao was looking for an opportunity to slip away, the banquet hall grew dim again.

The music slowly sounded, and the second dance began.

This time, there was no one guarding Lin Yao... huh? Why did she use the word "guard"?

The nightmare continues!

Her second dance partner wasn't tall and was slightly chubby. She wondered whether it was because the light was too dim or because the other person had put on makeup, but from beginning to end she couldn't clearly discern her dance partner's face.

She murmured inside, when had chubby middle-aged men started to lurk on Hang City Forum?

After finishing the second dance, among the middle-aged uncle, the male netizen holding a meat bun, and the long-haired men holding carnations, Lin Yao didn't want to dance with any of them!

She needed to escape!

Yet the male netizens refused to give up!

They chased after her and shouted:

"Peaches Aren't Naughty, please dance with me!"

"Peaches Aren't Naughty, wait for me!"


There were too many people in the banquet hall, and too many of her pursuers were blocking her way, so, no matter how hard she tried, Lin Yao couldn't escape.

At the moment, like a cub that had fallen into a trap, she felt stuck.

At that moment, the music for the third dance started, and she vaguely saw an upright figure standing in the crowd.

The light in the banquet hall was dim, so she couldn't see the man's face clearly until the blinding spotlight fell on him...

It was Through Your Black Hair My Hand!

"Love me tender love me sweet

Never let me go


Through Your Black Hair My Hand gazed at her from afar with soulful eyes.

Lin Yao walked toward him step by step, joy and anticipation in her eyes.

As if they realized that something was happening, the crowd unconsciously surrounded them in a circle.

Surrounded by a circle of people, the two of them stood opposite each other.

The man was tall and upright, which further accentuated how petite and feminine the woman in front of him was, and her fiery red dress swayed in the night's breeze. They were as beautiful as a painting.

Through Your Black Hair My Hand didn't speak. He slowly took off his suit and wrapped it around Lin Yao. Then he stepped back, slightly bent his left leg, then solemnly and piously kneeled in front of her.

He slowly opened the exquisite jewelry box in his hand, and in it there lay quietly... a diamond necklace!

Some random person in the crowd exclaimed, "What~a~beautiful~diamond~~!!!"

Lin Yao stared blankly at Through Your Black Hair My Hand but discovered that he no longer had that cold and aloof look in his eyes. Instead, his eyes were filled with sincerity and warmth. He said, "I love you! Will you marry me?"

The audience joined in and chanted, "Marry him! Marry him! Marry him!"

In disbelief, Lin Yao stared at the boisterous crowd, as well as the diamond necklace that was so close...

She felt that the way the plot was arranged didn't make sense. Who would propose with a necklace?

No, wait, this necklace already belonged to her, so how come it was in the hands of Through Your Black Hair My Hand?

Moreover, Through Your Black Hair My Hand didn't like her at all and didn't even give her more than a passing glance the last time they spoke. Why would he propose to her?

Wrong wrong, everything was wrong!

When Lin Yao woke up, she found that the sky was already bright and the sun was shining on her bed and even her face!

She was about to get up when she suddenly remembered that today was the weekend.

So, she laid back down on the bed lazily and didn't want to move at all.

The man called Through Your Black Hair My Hand flashed through her mind again. He was tall, extraordinarily handsome, and had an aloof vibe.

In theory, she wouldn't be able to forget such a person with such a face after seeing him once, but for some reason she did.

It would have been fine if she had completely forgotten about it, but for some reason, she remembered his face, and even dreamt about it!

Then she thought about how, not that long ago, they danced together, held hands, and she even kissed his face—through the headgear.

When Lin Yao thought of the reindeer headgear, then his resistance and indifference towards her, she suddenly came back to her senses, and the restlessness she was feeling inside gradually dissipated.

She began to think about whether listening to what Shan Qing said and going on a date to find a real boyfriend, instead of thinking about a man who couldn't ever possibly belong to her, was a better choice?